You cannot make any changes in your life until you understand how change occurs.
Change Occurs at Life’s Edges
An “edge” is place of contrast, a place of chaos, where boundaries are visible and encountered. Change occurs in the chaos of life’s edges.
Change events can be unwanted or intentionally initiated in your life.
When you face unwanted change at a current edge in your life such as a breakup, divorce, death, loss of a job, a new living situation, etc., it is an opportunity for you to expand and grow into new relationships, experiences, skills and opportunities.
My coaching techniques help you acknowledge and understand the circumstances of the unwanted change, help you gain clarity about your own situation and help you build a new reality with confidence and enthusiasm for yourself in which you thrive.
When you desire to intentionally initiate change in your life, you voluntarily create new edges and new boundaries in your life where change can occur. These new edges and new boundaries create triggers for new environments, situations and people to enter your life which bring in the opportunities for your personal growth.
My coaching techniques help you evaluate the risk versus reward of choices available to you to manifest change in your life, help you create a long-term vision for your desired changes, help you create a short-term strategy for initiating changes to achieve your long term vision and provide you with support and accountability so you can create the life of your dreams.

“Change occurs in the chaos of life’s edges. “
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Understanding Change:
Free E-book:
Successfully Surfing the Chaos of Change
This e-book provides you with simple ‘how to’ information for successfully surfing the chaos of change that is occurring in your own life.
This e-book provides you with new insights into those life situations caused by unwanted and intentional change that cause so much anxiety and stress. I have taken the word CHANGE and provided 6 lessons for to you to integrate into your own life and successfully surf the chaos of change.
Download immediately for free.
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The Next Steps to Create a New Life You Truly Desire?
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